HD Genetics Clinical Study Connection

  • 100% virtual connection with our team of Huntington’s experts
  • Educate and connect you to HD research opportunities
  • Complimentary service. You’ll never be charged any type of fee
  • Ability for you to ask ANY questions to our experts about clinical and observational studies
  • If you (or family member) qualify for a study and want to consider enrolling, we’ll build a bridge to make this as easy as possible.
  • We’ve partnered with the Huntington Study Group (HSG) and Rocky Mountain Movement Center to make this service possible.
  • Our ultimate goal is to connect people to research opportunities that they want to participate which will accelerate our knowledge about new treatments.

Get started with HD Genetics’ Intake
Questionnaire if you are:

  • From an HD Family
  • Any age
  • Living in the U.S.A. or Canada
  • Interested in learning more about clinical/observational studies
  • You or a loved one is HD Positive, HD Negative, or yet to undergo genetic testing.

The intake questionnaire takes about 5-10 minutes to fill out. Upon submitting the form you will get a text/call from the HD Genetics team to setup an intake phone call. These calls allow us to gather a bit more information and allow you to ask any questions about our process. If you want to move forward with talking to a clinical trial coordinator, HD Genetics will schedule a call for you.

If you aren’t sure you are ready to fill out the form, please feel free to reach out to our team to ask any questions through our contact form. We are happy to setup a call with you to talk through your situation before submitting an intake questionnaire.